Chiron Series
The Gifts Within the Wound
Chiron is a planetary body that represents your deepest wounds in this lifetime and provides a great deal of insight into your healing focus and soul's gifts.
The gifts and wounds you carry are two sides of the same coin.
This special series of audio recordings goes into depth on Chiron's impact in each of the signs, what each reveals about your deepest wounds in this lifetime, and the gifts that lie on the other side of your healing.
Bringing these experiences into conscious awareness is the first step to healing.
As you heal, the very things you have struggled with become your strengths that empower others to move through their own experiences.
Not only is healing possible, it is the vehicle through which you uncover your life purpose and find the gifts you are meant to share with the world.
If you want to discover the gifts held within the wounds of Chiron in each of the signs, these messages are for you.
To find your Chiron sign, I recommend going here to explore your natal chart. After entering your birth information, scroll to the bottom of the page and find the placement labeled "Chiron" at the bottom of your chart.
Learn more about How Chiron Shows Up in Each of the Signs.
If you'd like to understand how your Chiron placement interacts with your unique energy profile, I offer a personalized service that uses your birth data to tailor your Chiron messages specifically to you.