To find your Chiron sign, I recommend going here to explore your natal chart. After entering your birth information, scroll to the bottom of the page and find the placement labeled "Chiron" at the bottom of your chart before reading the corresponding sign below.
Now let's talk about how Chiron's impact can show up in each of the signs:
Chiron in Aries
The Wound of Worthiness, Individuality, & Self-Doubt
Can show up as:
Feelings of worthlessness
Low self-confidence
Persistent self-doubt
Fear of being "too much", being different, or standing out
Pleasing others at your own expense
Feeling something is wrong with you or fundamentally lacking within you
Chiron in Taurus
The Wound of Stability, Security, & Value
Can show up as:
Strong fear of loss
Chasing and clinging to different forms of security (financial, relational, material, etc.), trying to accumulate as much as possible
Feeling internally unstable even when everything seems good around you; feeling like you're "waiting for the other shoe to drop"
Hyper-focus on the physical world & neglect of the spiritual
Chiron in Gemini
The Wound of Words, Intelligence, & Communication
Can show up as:
Social anxiety, self-consciousness, feelings of awkwardness
Feeling like everyone else is smarter than you are
Difficulty communicating or expressing yourself
Fear of speaking up/speaking the truth
Feeling misunderstood and like you don't meet societal expectations or fit in with those around you
Putting others on a pedestal or avoiding social situations/ isolating from others completely
Chiron in Cancer
The Wound of Home, Family, & Abandonment
Can show up as:
Feeling unworthy of love, nurturing, and appreciation
Needing constant validation or reassurance within relationships while feeling it's never enough
Intense fear of abandonment that can create cycling experiences as a self-fulfilling prophecy
Taking on the role of caretaker and nurturer for others while neglecting yourself
Desiring love & affection without knowing how to receive it
Chiron in Leo
The Wound of Talent, Approval, & Recognition
Can show up as:
Feeling like you're not recognized for your talents or uniqueness, or that you have no gifts to offer to the world
Extreme sensitivity to criticism
Assuming others dislike you or don't enjoy being around you
Trying to prove your worth and constantly seeking outside attention/approval
Hiding in plain sight: fear of sharing yourself with the world, trying to blend into the background, holding back your gifts
Chiron in Virgo
The Wound of Perfection, Fixation, & Criticism
Can show up as:
Feeling pressured to do everything perfectly at all times
Fear of making the wrong choice / "doing it wrong"
Deep-seated dissatisfaction with yourself or your life
Obsessive focus on "fixing" yourself and other people
Self-judgment and self-criticism that can bleed onto others
All-or-nothing/black-and-white thinking, no room for mistakes or shades of grey
Fixation on small concerns that turn into larger issues
Chiron in Libra
The Wound of Relationships, Loneliness, & Social Connection
Can show up as:
Challenges with building and maintaining relationships
Strong feelings of loneliness, both on your own and when surrounded by other people
Fear of being alone
Losing yourself in relationships, sacrificing yourself for the happiness of others, trying to meet expectations
Feeling anxious, tense, and off-center
Strong sensitivity to fluctuations in relationships
Chiron in Scorpio
The Wound of Isolation, Trust, & Deep Emotion
Can show up as:
Consuming fears of death, dying, and loss
Feeling overwhelmed by emotions, which can lead to distancing, isolating, avoiding, or numbing out
Difficulty trusting others
Insecurity, jealousy, and questioning of intentions
Holding onto feelings of hurt, anger, or hatred without knowing how to release them
Constantly doubting the loyalty of others
Chiron in Sagittarius
The Wound of Purpose, Belief, & Independence
Can show up as:
Difficulty understanding the purpose of life or finding meaning for yourself
Fear of commitment and responsibility
Hyper-independence and fierce protection of your freedom
Fluctuating beliefs that are often overcome by doubt
A constant search for evidence that never feels like enough
Lack of faith in yourself, the world at large, or a higher power
Chiron in Capricorn
The Wound of Status, Success, & Accomplishment
Can show up as:
Feeling pressured to impress others and achieve certain levels of success and status
Strong fear of failure
Overworking, overperforming, constantly striving
Holding yourself to a rigid set of standards with no room for error or humanity
Feeling unrecognized and unnoticed no matter how much you achieve
Chiron in Aquarius
The Wound of Disconnection, Alienation, & Belonging
Can show up as:
Feeling different from others, having trouble finding your place in the world
Deep desire to belong and be part of a group while also feeling alienated and disconnected
Difficulty connecting with others and making true friends
Inability to fit in; feeling like an outsider, different, or weird
Feeling isolated and alone even while surrounded by people
Struggling to find your place within a group or community
Chiron in Pisces
The Wound of Faith, Betrayal, & Victimization
Can show up as:
Feeling betrayed by life or the universe
Believing you are insignificant, unimportant, or not cared for
Loss of faith in yourself, others, and the world at large
Bitterness and anger at the unfairness of life
Emotional disconnection, difficulty empathizing with others
Feeling victimized and focusing on/strongly identifying with the experience of victimization
Difficulty taking responsibility for where you are in life
To learn more about your Chiron placement, check out my brand new Chiron Series!
This special series of audio recordings goes into depth on Chiron's impact in each of the signs, what each reveals about your deepest wounds in this lifetime, and the gifts that lie on the other side of your healing.
If you want to discover the gifts held within the wounds of Chiron in each of the signs, these messages are for you.
If you'd like to dive even deeper and understand how your Chiron placement interacts with your unique energy profile, I offer a personalized service that uses your birth data to tailor your Chiron messages specifically to you.
Pre-order your audio recording or check out the whole Chiron Series in the online shop. I'm so excited to share this with all of you!