It's okay to have big, grand, beautiful needs and express them loudly, openly, frequently.
It's okay to need things. And want things. A lot.
You are not "too much" for having needs.
You are a brilliant and beautiful human being with needs and desires and dreams and complexities.
The right people will not shrink back from your needs.
They will see you, acknowledge you, celebrate you, and help these beautiful needs to be met.
It's okay to have needs
And express them
To someone you care about.
I think I tried not to have needs for a long time
Because my needs were never truly met as a child.
I actually need a lot. And want a lot. Much of the time.
I am not a one-woman island.
This may sound like an obvious statement. And on some level it is.
But it is something I have always strived for.
Something not truly possible
That I tried to fit myself within
Because I was too afraid
That if I had any needs at all
They would not be met.
For so long I've been treated
Or have thought that
People only wanted me around for what I could give to them
And so I have given
And given
Until I had nothing left within me.
I am opening into a new space
Where I am able to receive.
Something I am just now feeling
Fully, in my body
For the very first time
After 32 years of life
I have a lot of needs
I love and honor my needs
I let them expand and take up space
I ask for what I need
With no guilt, no shame
And all my needs are finally met.
It's okay to have needs
And to openly express them.