Present themes and lessons:
Patience, presence, divine timing, cultivating abundance through times of darkness
How do you stay in your faith when confronted with challenging times? How do you continue aligning with your abundance when things seem darkest? Just like the seed that roots deep within the soil, this is part of your process. Nothing has gone wrong. Instead of fighting against what's happening, can you use your energy to accept the place you're in and take small steps from where you are? Can you trust that you will be shown all you need to know in the right time, instead of needing to know right now?
Plant a seed and wait.
Things may feel uncertain and heavy right now, and it may feel like you can't bear it one moment longer. YES YOU CAN. Take the first step as you're guided and release the rest to the universe for now. This is part of your path. Sit with the discomfort. Breathe. Allow.
For self-reflection:
Do I believe I am worthy?
When you think of all you desire, do you feel that you are worthy of having it? When you do not believe fully in your worthiness, you block yourself from receiving.
Affirm: I am worthy exactly as I am.
Pocket version for the week (screenshot & refer back to it whenever you'd like):

*This is a new collective guidance offering I am trying out. I am making it available to the public for the month of April as a free preview of this type of content. Beginning in May, I may reserve this offering exclusively for monthly members of my site.
Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see this as a regular offering on my site!